<![CDATA[LYNDAJWATSON - Soul Talks]]>Thu, 17 Oct 2024 17:23:14 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[Entries - August 2024]]>Sun, 01 Sep 2024 22:03:33 GMThttp://lyndajwatson.ca/soultalks/entries-august-2024Hello: If you have landed on this page, welcome. If you wish to read from the beginning, January 2024, please go to the bottom and click 'previous' until you can go back no further. That is the beginning. Otherwise, read on as your heart guides you. Picture
Entry – August 15 2024
Me: Hey U!
Universe: Hello you. It’s been a while.
Me: It has. Way back when we started these sessions you told me, Now Go Live Your Life! So, I have. Experience the moments. Taking in what we have talked about, applying it to life and living a very full life.
U: Wonderful to hear. I sense some days you are asleep before your head touches the pillow.
Me: Absolutely. I am not ignoring out sessions. I am living them.
U: That’s perfect. I am always here and remember what we talked about time. One session a month or thirty it matters not to me. I will connect with you if I need to say something. You will know. I am so proud of you.
Me: Thank you. That means so very much.
U: So, you are here now. What did you need or want to talk about?
Me: Firstly, I just felt the draw to connect but then I looked at the list of questions we hadn’t touched on yet but that I had written down. Of course, when I looked over them, I found one that pertained to situations as of late and perhaps more in general.
U: Alright then, let’s have it.
Me: So, thinking about that idea of stepping back from a situation that perhaps causes some anxiety for me, if I zoom out a bit and look at the bigger picture then the first thing, I think of is common ground. What is the situation and what is the shared end goal or objective? Often common but multiple perspectives that don’t align. When I look at the bigger picture or the common goal. I can look at all of those involved with compassion for their perspectives. Perhaps one is frustrated, another doesn’t quite understand the steps to the shared goal and so on. Start there, then create a shared understanding and zoom in to each individual.  The bigger picture or collective and each individual have equal value. You can’t just look at the one without the other.
U: Great insight. Zooming out is useful in multiple situations. But as you say one must zoom in as well to consider all points of view.
Me: Funny, I expected this to be a long conversation but it feels complete. To the point. Step back – zoom out – find the shared common ground – zoom in – consider all perspectives. I will work at applying that to life and see how it plays out.
U: Simple concepts that humans tend to like to make difficult.
Me: Ain’t that the truth.  That’s me for the night.
U: Talk soon. 

August 20 2024
Me: Hi U! How goes it?

U: Hello. What would be the ‘it’ you ask of?
Me: Ah, forgot for a second who /what I was asking. I guess it is a non-descriptive general term. Scratch that from the record.  
Can we talk about the chaotic feeling humans or me feel sometimes? Not ebb or flow. Something outside of it. I have been exploring that space. Trying to define it, experience the feeling, be curious about it and be present with it. I am not judging it as anything. I know there has been an energetic change in my environment just for a few days.
U: A common human feeling. Good you are aware of it. What are you doing to come back into balance?
Me: Be still and breath to start. Just stopping. Let the chaos move around me. I guess curiousity helps me understand it. I know it is not necessarily bad. There is a message in it for me. I have stepped off of the true path line.  When I lean into it for just a bit to find the wisdom in it then follow that wisdom back to the present moment and authentic line, the chaos settles.
U: Good. What were the signs you were feeling it?
Me: I broke a glass, impeded special awareness, increased tension but none of these dramatically. Therefore, not always easy to catch until they pile up a bit.
U: Interesting. Is this feeling perhaps reflecting anything else in your life?
Me: Why yes, I have been pondering that. Part of me is considering what it would be like to ‘go back to work’. Not at all convinced it is the right thing to do in this moment. It is fear based from a state of lack. Instead I have decided to step back and within and listen to guidance from that inner voice.

U: Hmmmm, what do you need to do to hear that voice?
Me: Commit to listening more. Day by day. What is it I need to do today? With my highest and future good in mind and heart. When it is for my highest good then it is good for all around me as well.
U: Yes, then what will you do tomorrow?
Me: Take the time and space to listen. And ask the right questions. Do the Work.
U: Brilliant. And with that we call it a day.
Me: Yes, thank you.

August 24 2024

Me: Hello
U: Good evening
Me: I don’t really have anything pressing to talk about but felt the need, want to connect.
U: That’s good. Nothing pressing is good. Why don’t we just riff on whatever comes up.
Me: I like that. I am listening to a meditation now so maybe we will see what comes up with that.
August 27  2024
Me: Well three days later I come back to this conversation.
Universe: Three days, three hours, it’s all good.
Me: This morning, I felt the pull to take one hour a day and workshop. To focus inward. To sit and ask what way will I focus inward today?
Universe: If your inner voice calls for it then good to listen. So what today?
Me: Some writing here and some STILL time. I am feeling a bit like I feel in the middle of the project. The energy from the start diminished and the end is not in sight yet. The best I can do is one step at a time on each project. Check off each step as you get it done and celebrate it. It is about doing not always about finishing. Sorta like life.
Universe: What is the feeling in the middle for you?
Me: A bit like floating but with purpose. Lots of those list to keep it organized and on track. A bit ping pong like. A bit on this and a bit on that. But I know each is progressing.
Universe: What would it be like to choose and finish one?
Me: Not sure but can’t really do that as there are other people and moving pieces involved. Waiting on dates, weather, timing, etc.
Universe: I see. It sounds like you are clear on the situations and feeling.
Me: Yes. Not complaining just observing. Lots to feel the Grate Fullness!
Universe: You are Love!
Me: I am and so are you!
