<![CDATA[LYNDAJWATSON - Soul Talks]]>Tue, 18 Feb 2025 07:55:53 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[Entries September to December 2024]]>Sun, 16 Feb 2025 17:11:52 GMThttp://lyndajwatson.ca/soultalks/entries-september-to-december-2024Hello: If you have landed on this page, welcome. If you wish to read from the beginning, January 2024, please go to the bottom and click previous until you can go back no further. That is the beginning. Otherwise, read on as your heart guides you.  Picture

September 3 – 8, 2024
Me: Hello Universe

U (Universe): Hi. You feel rather serious today.

Me: Yes. Frustrated. I feel knocked off balance.

U: Can you pinpoint why?

Me: Yes and No. Ok, Yes.

U: Alright. Let’s talk it out.

Me: Thanks. First of all, it feels different than the chaos I spoke of last month. That felt like it was happening around me. This feels like it is in my face, happening to me. Does that even make sense?

U: Sure does. What are your thoughts on it?

Me (a few days later): I had to think and live on that one for a few days. It feels like a big change that is manifesting itself.

U: Say more.

Me: Small signs have been there for a while of some endings. It was in a podcast that I was hosting yesterday that someone said: “we humans don’t like endings and the changes come with those endings.”

U: Good awareness. What next?

Me: Keep talking to you. Ask and listen to my inner knowing as well as ‘do the work’. That last one can be the hard part. With all that comes with expansion. I keep feeling and seeing a colourful box in the top left corner of my sensing. Its edges are fluid and it grows daily as I put in the work.

U: Great. Sounds like you are getting back closer to your path. That off-balance is being pulled away from your authentic path. Something that is pulling you off yet you are tethered to that authenticity. You feel it when you are not in congruence with your present timeline.

Me: No truer words for sure.

U: You mention endings and changes. Do you want to elaborate on those or do you feel that having the awareness of them and the feelings they cause is enough.

Me: That is enough. That is the essence of the unbalance. Once I become conscious of what and why I am feeling something, the deep breath of expansion comes and the past is no longer holding on. I can move forward. It is the feelings attached to it that were key. Breathing out those feelings with awareness releases them and opens the door. The past no longer holds any weight.

U: What does that expansion hold for you? Perhaps delve into that a bit.

Me: I love working on conscious expansion. When meditate on it I am shown the layers involved. It isn’t just a one and done kinda thing. There is no, Poof! Expansion happens! It takes courage to expand, that is the first step to the movement of it, after awareness. I feel like the next step is a big deep breath. The deep breath of expansion. And that leads to the next step which is leaning into trust.  I liken it to holding my arms wide open at the beginning of the day and saying: “Today is going to be an absolutely brilliant day!”

U: Wow, those sound like great steps for personal conscious expansion. I like how you have articulated it as something deep within.

Me: Exactly. I become conscious of feeling something that is pulling at me, away from my authentic path. I open my heart to those feelings with awareness of what they are then allow them to release with a deep breath. With that release I find the courage to take another deep breath feeling myself slowly settle back to my true path. I then lean into trust. Knowing that I will be pulled from my path again and again but I have this ability to sense it, and gently bring myself back into balance. That is what creates expansion. Over and over and over.

U: I would call that beautiful evolutionary expansion. Good for you!


September 27, 2024
Me: Hello

U: Hey, how are you? You’ve been quite productive as of late. Dedicated even.

Me: Yes. I hadn’t thought of it like that. But for sure, determined and focused. Things are moving along nicely. Flowing.

U: Nice. Happy for you. Anything you wish to talk about?

Me: Yes. I have little pieces of paper with thoughts to chat about.

U: That is so you. Let’s do it.

Me: Can we start with the word and concept of judgment?

U: Sure.

Me: There is so much tied into the word judgment, of self and others. It really is a loaded concept. A lifetime of judgment can be hard to change. Within the vast container of the word we can include how it influences kindness to another, as well as personal productivity and accomplishment.

U: Do go on. Interesting. Perhaps a bit of wild writing to capture further thoughts.

Me For sure.  Off we go. 
There have been a number of personal opportunities lately for me to explore this. New risks that I could take to expand my heart, reasons to examine my thoughts towards my competitive nature, and how that all ties to judgment. Even my quiet of others. Judgment, for me, is not seeing another as equal. Not considering them from a place of heart. It is always a quick reaction instead of taking a breath into the heart and seeing all from their place in the universe not mine. Yes, I discern what is good and right for me but outward judgment: where does that come from for me? Past experiences, how I was brought up, what I see and watch, and my personal views of ‘enough’ or ‘abundance’ vs. the feeling of lack. Judgment exists on a continuum. From have to have not, from better than to less than, and all of the points in between whatever ends you wish to put on that scale. For me to evolve the best thing I feel I can do is know and feel when I am creating a judgment, then bring myself back to balance, back to center, back to me. Back to equal. Back to the space of love that is the heart. The center of me. My mantra these days has been: Look for the Love.

U: Sounds like you have done a lot of consideration on the concept of judgment.

Me: I have. It isn’t always easy to bring myself back to center but if I put one foot in front of the other from the heart I will get one there. I don’t think the aim in life is to be perfect and never have challenging thoughts, it is to find ways that bring you back to the heart, your center, where you can find the love. I think we aim to eliminate judgment, comparison, chaos, imbalance, etc.  Yet, we are humans living in a human world. I think the healthy goal is to find ways to keep coming back to center over and over. It will become habit eventually but we will always be tested. Isn’t that where expansion lies. It is like muscles, they get stronger when you use them, when you challenge their limits. Always coming back to a healthy place of rest and balance.
U: Wise words for sure. I love your statement: look for the love. Where is the love? Always looking within first. The perfect question.

Me: Thank you.

U: You about trust? How is that coming? Trust it All, No Matter What.

Me: A slow evolution but evolving all the same. It is easy to slip back into states of worry and stress. I was chatting with a friend the other day and we spoke of the proverbial ‘IF’.  An acronym popped into my awareness. IF = Imminent or Impending Future.  Although each of those I words are not necessarily negative we tend to put that connotation on them. So What IF often has a dire feeling to it. That ties into trust for me if I change the I. IF: Incredible Future. Then I trust that things will work out that way, whichever version of incredible that is.

U: Neat. I like that.

Me: I know now it takes time and a lifetime of worry does not change overnight or over a year. But I have found ways to decrease its effects and lessen the burden it places on me. In turn, I increase my trust and resulting freedom of spirit when I can live more and more moments without worry, stress and an impending future.

U: Brilliant. I’m glad you talked this all out. You feel lighter and sound more in tune.

Me: Thanks. I feel all of that. 

October 4 - 5, 2024
Me: Good evening

U: Hello. How are you this day?

Me: Well. I am really leaning into living fully and what that means to me.

U: Great. What does that mean to you?

Me: Thought you would never ask. Well, a lot of things and different things and different moments. Embracing some things, releasing some, moving more quickly through others, and being still for parts of it all. How’s that as a recap?

U: Well, there is no right and it is just how you feel about it that matters. Do you want to expand on any of that?

Me: Alrighty. I have been working on multiple projects and needed to be present with each piece. The old saying ‘on step at a time’ tings true of course. I think the stress comes from looking too far ahead. I spend a bit of time organizing, making lists (of course), and ten head to the present moment where each step lives. In that I release the anxiety of getting things done. In fact, things always do get done just in a more relaxed manner. When stress does come up I now more through it more quickly. I make a conscious decision to take the action and then move on. Anxiety exists when we draw something out. When I see anxiety there is a message in that for me, a direction. I breath, listen, and take the action asked of me. The anxiety then dissipates. I am then present for my next step. Perhaps that could be termed: ‘conscious anxiety or stress’. Am I moving forward or moving to the present moment. Ready to do what is needed next. Yet is presence a movement? Of is it ‘just is’?  Perhaps everything, all at the same time. Or there is no time. Ok, I digress. Perhaps that is a rabbit hole for another time.

U: Whew! That is a lot in a little space. Great insight. Especially moving quickly thru stress to the next moment where there is no movement, or is there. It is one moment – it is the next. Time does a funny thing there doesn’t it?

Me: Absolutely. Can we also talk about being open?

U: Sure. Tell me more.

Me: So often we say or are told to be more open. Then it just stops there. So, I wanted to dig down into what it means. What can I do to be more open? What does it mean? And how do I hold that open state?

U: Sounds interesting. Do keep going.

Me: I guess it starts with defining it and why we would want to hold that kind of space within ourselves, I look back to all that I have written here and believe that it leads to that open state. A space free of judgment, comparison, worry…all of it. It has to do with presence but presence from a positive and peaceful place. I can be present in a state of anger. But if I don’t let that anger go or work through it then am I really present? No. So it is a state of clarity, honesty with self, willingness to see what is in front of you, and an adaptability to look to the future with curiosity and a surrender to the unknown. An open mind exists only with a fluid and loving heart. Arms wide open to receive that which is looking to enhance my being.

U: Great. How might you sum that up in a sentence or two?

Me: To be open is to be in a state of receiving with an open mind and a loving heart.

U: Wonderful. I love your process. 

December 15, 2025
Me: Hello, it has been a while.

U: Hi. Time is irrelevant. You are here now.

Me: I love that concept. It takes so much pressure off of those involved. What matters is that we are here in the present. It certainly takes a change in our linear way of thinking.

U: So, what brings you here in this present moment?

Me:  I am feeling off balance once again in my body and mind. Also, I am drawn to write a mantra and positive notes. To keep a strong balanced frame of being. I am feeling a disconnect from other humans at the moment that is sortof getting me down. Creating a stagnancy. Funny, as I write those words and consider what I have written thus far the load I carried already seems lighter. Obviously I have the tools to manage these feelings.

U: Yup. Try that wild writing, it always seems to work well for you.

Me: Yes, always does. Perhaps, just for today though, I could finish the day with a few abundant and flowing thoughts and statements.

U: Good plan. First three that come to you. Don’t think about it too much.

Me: I am in some kind of state of flow always.
       Trust it all no matter what.
       When I am aware that I am in that state of flow, the world around me responds to me in that same state. The universe is always working in my favour.
       I live an abundant life.
       I listen and hear others with two ears and an open heart. Yet I choose what words I hold and which ones I let go. I always look for the love.
       I experience my highest good. Everything and everyone originates in love. I am always living my highest timeline.
      Belief is in myself, not in what I do. In who I am and how I walk in the world. I always look for love first.
      With honest feelings and emotional agility, I am in touch with my body and its needs.
U: Well, that is more than three. You just needed to get started and allow the flow to happen. Keep it going.

Me: My body wants still and quiet. I guess that goes hand in hand really. Seems it takes years to release the have to get it all done and productivity expectations in oneself. I do what is right for me. I listen to my body and inner knowing. Do I always follow them? No, but I am improving. I am gentler on myself and listen more. Still and quiet. Soft breath and gentle heart.

December 21 – 22, 2024
Me: Hi U

U: Hello. Glad you are here.  I noticed as of late you have been carrying your writing book around more with the intention of or desire to write. Then it seems you don’t or perhaps get distracted.

Me: So true. A bit of everything really. Distraction, dedication and just doing.

U: All good. I know the desire is there. Ebb and flow happens. I sense you get frustrated with yourself when you don’t write but then it all comes out when you do.

Me: You nailed it. As I transcribe all of this I see everything is exactly where it needs to be and comes out at the time it needs to. So perhaps I just stop fussing about the times I don’t write, surrender to them, release the pressure I put on myself, and be present with whatever is in my space at the moment.

U: Yes, that sounds like the best plan.

Me: More wild writing feels like a good place to explore today.

U: Ready, set, go!

Me: Pen to paper. Sometimes when I force that I draw a blank or feel that I am drawing a blank. It is often the movement of my fingers that starts the flow. The connection of brain to body parts to fingers, etc. Like the key to an engine. Similar to asking folks to move at the beginning of a workshop because that gets them talking. A sure-fire way to start the creativity process. When I do this and wild write, I write without judgment or comparison or any thoughts thereof.  Or future thoughts and expectations about others reading this material. It is in you and it is ripe to come out. To be released.
I have been working at expanding my internal narrative. I find it is based on my own judgment and comparison of others to myself or vise versa.

U: What exactly is that dialogue?

Me: I am not good enough: writer, photographer, etc. because I didn’t get as many readers, comments, likes, etc., etc. Of course, that is a common thought process in this day and age. We all go through it at some point. I guess the question is, do we stay in it? Do we refuse to go down the rabbit hole? Do we take time away and see that life is measured differently when we take a step back.

U: Sounds like you have an awareness of this. What is your monologue when this happens?

Me: I tend to build on it and allow it to elevate. I wish I didn’t have it and wonder what it would feel like to live with utter confidence and never a negative thought. I guess we go back to balance. You will never be fully one or the other. Even the most confident people get nervous. Even the most positive people have negative thoughts. It is how we balance it out, how we move back to the true line, our truest beingness. That is where the magic lies. Finding the magic spot in my daily life.

U: Well, that seems do-able. A challenge in the human world but do-able.

Me: Yes. I agree. How about arrogance vs confidence?

U: Go on.

Me: I feel these can be misconstrued. They are both internal and I cannot judge another as to whether they are one or the other. I say that as a people watcher. I remember watching people walking along the street. I recall seeing a woman walking in what I deemed was a confident manner, in my eyes. Was it the nice clothes she was wearing? Was it how she was walking? Was it confidence or arrogance? Does it matter?  I was not walking in her shoes so I will never know. It is how I walk in my own shoes that matters. And confidence in walking my truest path is where I feel strong and free. That is my confidence. Full and embodied contentment in who I am.
I think everything I have written about and we have talked about in these few months have been a road map to living an open life with an open heart. All with a view to walking a gentle and balanced true path. All the while, looking for the love in the present moments.

U: I think you have summed it up rather well.

From my heart to yours, 
Stay well, stay connected, stay authentic